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Adolf Hitler's Last Will And Testament - YouTube

The final will and proof of Adolf Hitler has been requested by Hitler receiving a telegram from Reichsmarschall Hermann GÃÆ'¶ring requesting confirmation of GÃÆ'¶ring succession, combined with news from Heinrich Himmler attempting to surrender negotiations with the Western Allies, and reported that the Red Army troops were within a block or two of the Chancellor of the Reich. It was dictated by Adolf Hitler to his secretary Traudl Junge in his Berlin FÃÆ'¼hrerbunker on April 29, 1945, the day he and Eva Braun married. They committed suicide the next day, April 30, two days before the transfer of Berlin to the Soviet Union on May 2, and more than a week before the end of World War II in Europe on May 8. It consists of two separate documents, wills and political wills.

Video Last will and testament of Adolf Hitler


The last will is a short document signed on April 29 at 4:00.

  • It recognizes his marriage - but does not mention Eva Braun - and that they choose death because of a deposition or kapitulasi disgrace; and that their bodies were cremated.
  • Her art collection was handed over to "gallery in my hometown of Linz on the Danube".
  • The objects of "sentimental or necessary value for simple simple life maintenance" go to his relatives and his "loyal colleagues" like his housekeeper, Mrs. [Anni] Winter.
  • Whatever other value it has, go to the National Socialist Workers Party of Germany.
  • Martin Bormann was nominated as a test taker.

The will is witnessed by Bormann and Colonel Nicolaus von Below.

Maps Last will and testament of Adolf Hitler


The last political agreement was signed at the same time as Hitler's last will, 4 am on April 29, 1945. The first part of the testament speaks of his motivation in the three decades since volunteering in World War I, repeating his assertion that he is not " in Germany who wanted war in 1939 ", stated the reason for his intention to commit suicide, and praised and expressed his gratitude to the German people for their support and achievement. Also included in the first agreement is a statement detailing his claim that he is trying to avoid war with other nations and attributes responsibility for it to "international Jews and his aides". He will not "leave Berlin... even if his strength is too small to endure". Hitler declared his intention to choose death rather than "fall into the hands of the enemy" and the masses in need of a "spectacle organized by the Jews." He concludes with a call to continue "sacrifice" and "struggle". He expressed hope for the revival of the National Socialist movement with the realization of "true community of nations".

The second part of his will specifies Hitler's intentions for the German government and the Nazi Party after his death and the details of who will succeed him. He expelled Hermann GÃÆ'¶ring's Reichsmarschall from the party and fired him from all of his country offices. He also overturned a 1941 decision calling GÃÆ'¶ring as his successor in the event of his death. To replace him, Hitler named Karl DÃÆ'¶nitz as the President of the Reich and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. ReichsfÃÆ'¼hrer-SS and Interior Minister Heinrich Himmler were also expelled from the party and dismissed from all of their country offices for attempting to negotiate peace with the western allies without Hitler's "knowledge" and not allowed. Hitler declared Himmler and GÃÆ'¶ring as traitors.

Hitler menunjuk yang berikut sebagai Kabinet baru dan sebagai pemimpin bangsa:

  • Presiden Empire ( President of the Reich ), Menteri Perang ( Minister of War ) dan Panglima Angkatan Laut ( Commander-in-Chief of the Navy ): Grand Admiral Karl Dönnitz
  • Kanselir Reich ( Chancellor ): Dr. Joseph Goebbels
  • Menteri Partai ( Party Minister ): Martin Bormann
  • Menteri Luar Negeri ( Secretary of State ): Arthur Seyss-Inquart
  • Menteri Dalam Negeri ( Minister of the Interior ): Gauleiter Paul Giesler
  • Panglima Angkatan Bersenjata (Commander-in-Chief of the Army ): Field Marshal Ferdinand Schünner
  • Panglima Angkatan Udara ( Supreme Commander of the Air Force ): Marsekal Lapangan Robert Ritter von Greim
  • Reichsfuhrer SS dan Kepala Polisi ( Reichsfuhrer-SS and Chief of the German Police ): Gauleiter Karl Hanke
  • Menteri Ekonomi ( Economy ): Walther Funk
  • Menteri Pertanian ( Agriculture ): Herbert Backe
  • Menteri Kehakiman ( Justice ): Otto Thierack
  • Menteri Kebudayaan ( Culture ): Dr. Gustav Adolf Scheel
  • Menteri Propaganda ( Propaganda ): Werner Naumann
  • Menteri Keuangan ( Finance ): Johann Ludwig Graf Schwerin von Krosigk
  • Menteri Tenaga Kerja ( Work ): Dr. med. Theo Hupfauer
  • Menteri Munisi ( Refuge ): Karl-Otto Saur
  • Director Buruh Jerman dan anggota Kabinet ( Head of the German Labor Front and member of the Reich Cabinet: Reich Minister ) Robert Ley

Witnessed by Joseph Goebbels, Martin Bormann, General Wilhelm Burgdorf, and General Hans Krebs.

On the afternoon of April 30, about a day and a half after he signed his last will, Hitler and Braun committed suicide. Within the next two days, Goebbels, Burgdorf, and Krebs also committed suicide. Bormann died on May 2 while trying to escape the Soviet Army ring in Berlin.


In his book The Bunker James O'Donnell, after comparing the words of Hitler's last testimony with the writings and statements of Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, concludes that Goebbels was at least partly responsible for helping Hitler write it. Junge stated that Hitler was reading from a note when he dictated the agreement after midnight on 29 April.

Stories about documents

Three envoys were assigned to take testaments and political wills of the beleaguered FÃÆ'¼hrerbunker to assure their presence for posterity. The first messenger was the press deputy, Heinz Lorenz. He was captured by the British while traveling under the alias as a journalist from Luxembourg. He reveals the existence of two more copies and messengers: Willy Johannmeyer, auxiliary of Hitler's army, and adjutant Bormann SS- StandartenfÃÆ'¼hrer Wilhelm Zander. Zander uses the pseudonym "Friedrich Wilhelm Paustin". Both envoys were arrested in the American occupation zone. Thus, two copies of the paper ends in American hands, a set in English hands. The texts of the document were widely published in the American and British press in January 1946 but the British Foreign Secretary, Ernest Bevin, was considered to limit access to these documents. He feared they might become a cult object among the Germans. Since they are already common knowledge, Americans do not share these concerns but still agree to refrain from further publication of them. Hitler's verdict and his marriage certificate were presented to US President Harry S. Truman. A set was placed on a public screen at the National Archives in Washington for several years.

Hitler's final truth and testament is currently housed in the vault of the National Archives at College Park.

Death of witness

The four witnesses to political testimony died shortly afterwards. Goebbels and his wife committed suicide. Burgdorf and Krebs commit suicide together on the night of May 1-2 in the bunker. The time and place of Bormann's death remained uncertain; his body was found near the bunker in 1972 and identified by DNA analysis in 1998. Therefore, he most likely died on the same night trying to escape from the FÃÆ'¼hrerbunker complex.

Flensburg Government

In the Flensburg administration of the successor designated Hitler as ReichsprÃÆ'¤sident Karl DÃÆ'¶nitz, the deposition of Albert Speer and Franz Seldte was ignored (or both ministers quickly restored). Both former commander-in-chief Joachim von Ribbentrop and Hitler, SeyÃÆ'Ÿ-Inquart, hold the post of Foreign Minister. The post was awarded to Lutz Graf Schwerin von Krosigk, who after Goebbels's suicide also became Germany's eminent Minister Reich (Cabinet Chief, post-equivalent Chancellor).



  • Adolf Hitler's Final Political Testament in English Source: United States, United States Office of Chief Justice for OCCPAC Axial Prosecution, Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, 8 vols. and 2 suppl. volumes (Government Printing Office, Washington, 1946-1948), VI, 259-263, Doc. No. 3569-PS. (backup site)
  • Adolf Hitler's Testaments (in German, Text and Images).
    • The German version of the treaty includes fifteen other names which are only recorded as "Here, follow the other fifteen" in the English version of the agreement contained in the References section.
  • Beevor, Antony (2002). Berlin: Fall of 1945 . London: Viking-Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-670-03041-5. Ã,
  • Evans, Richard J. (2008). The Third Reich At War . New York: Penguin Group. ISBN: 978-0-14-311671-4.
  • Kershaw, Ian (2008). Hitler: A Biography . New York: W. W. Norton & amp; Company. ISBN: 978-0-393-06757-6.

External links

  • Hitler's death explains why Hitler fell with Goering.
  • Documents in the National Archives
  • Adolf Hitler's Personal Will, Marriage Deed, and Political Agreement, April 1945
  • Hitler's discovery will
  • Political Testimony From Adolf Hitler

Source of the article : Wikipedia
