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USS Saratoga (CV-60) - Wikipedia

USS Saratoga (CV/CVA/CVB-60) , is the second of four -the supercarrier class built for the United States Navy at 1950s. Saratoga is the sixth US Navy ship, and the second aircraft carrier, named for the Battle of Saratoga in the American Revolutionary War.

Assigned in 1956, he spent most of his career in the Mediterranean, but also participated during the Vietnam War, receiving one star battle for his service. One of his last operational tasks was to participate in Operation Desert Storm.

Saratoga was deactivated in 1994, and housed at the Newport Naval Station in Newport, Rhode Island. Some unsuccessful attempts were made to preserve it as a museum ship. The Navy pays ESCO Marine of Brownsville, Texas, a cent to take the ship for dismantling and recycling. On September 15th, 2014, the former Saratoga arrived in Brownsville, Texas, to be removed.

Video USS Saratoga (CV-60)

Construction and testing

He was ordered as a "Large Aircraft Carrier", a symbol of the bundle classification CVB-60 , and his contract was awarded to the New York Naval Shipyard of Brooklyn, New York on July 23, 1952. He was the second of four class operators < i> Forrestal . He was reclassified as "Attack Aircraft Attack" ( CVA-60 ) on October 1, 1952. The ship was laid on December 16, 1952. It was launched on 8 October 1955 sponsored by Mrs. Charles S Thomas, and was commissioned on April 14, 1956 with CAPT Robert Joseph Stroh in command. He is the first aircraft carrier in the US Navy to use a 1,200 psi high pressure boiler (8,300 kPa).

Maps USS Saratoga (CV-60)

Service history


Over the next few months, Saratoga performs various engineering, flight, steering, structural, and test guns. On August 18, he sailed to Guantanamo Bay and his shaking voyage. On December 19, he re-entered the New York Naval Shipyard and remained there until February 28, 1957. After completing the yard work, he was on a refresh cruise to the Caribbean before entering his harbor, Mayport Naval Station in Mayport, Florida.

On June 6, 1957, US President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his cabinet members boarded Saratoga to observe operations on a giant aircraft carrier. For two days, he and eighteen other ships demonstrated air operations, antisubmarine wars, missile operations, and the latest naval bombing and bombing techniques. Highlighting the President's visit was the nonstop flight of the two F8U Crusaders, which stretched the country in three hours and twenty-eight minutes, from Bon Homme Richard from the West Coast to the flight deck of Saratoga at Atlantic.

Also in 1957, Saratoga tested Regulus's missile. He is one of ten aircraft carriers configured to operate a turbojet-powered subsonic missile and only one of six aircraft carriers ever actually launched a missile (performing two launch tests) that provided the United States Navy's first strategic nuclear deterrence powers.

The carrier left Mayport on September 3, 1957 for its first transatlantic voyage. Saratoga sailed to the Norwegian Sea and participated in Operation Strikeback, a joint naval maneuver from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries. He returned briefly to Mayport before entering the Norfolk Naval Naval Shipyard for repairs.

On 1 February 1958, Saratoga left Mayport for the Mediterranean and his first placement with the Sixth Fleet. From this date until December 31, 1967 he will spend part of every year in the Mediterranean with a total of eight cruises. The rest of the time, he either operates off the coast of Florida or in the harbor experiencing limited availability.


On the night of 24-25 May 1960, Saratoga collided with the German Bernd Leonhardt cargo ship in North Carolina. Bridges and superstructures of cargo planes are damaged by carrier flight deck. The results of the investigation were never published, but the repair of the freighter, which was worth about 2.5 million marks of Germany, was paid by the US Navy.

When deployed with the Sixth Fleet on January 23, 1961, serious fires took place in Saratoga ' machine room number two that took seven lives. The fire, believed to be caused by a broken fuel line, was controlled by the crew, and the ship sailed to Athens, Greece, where a damage survey could take place. The ship continues its patrol mission with reduced steam generation capability, returning to the US as scheduled to release the air group before it is repaired.

After a vast period of shipyards in the second half of 1964, Saratoga departed for the Mediterranean, arriving just before Christmas 1964. The harbors visited for the next 6 months were Napoli, Athens, Cannes, Valencia, Spain, Istanbul , and Malta. Another regular Med shipping was done in 1966. The Med shipping from June to December 1967 was by no means a routine. Immediately upon entering the Med, Saratoga was deployed to the eastern Mediterranean during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, in which medical facilities were used to treat victims of the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty. Then he was involved in a collision close to the Little Rock cruiser, which cut out the Saratoga arc during the flight operation. Saratoga has sent a message indicating that he plans to move to the right. This will put Little Rock outside the turn because Little Rock is on the left side. As the carrier shows he executes his turn, Little Rock increases his speed to maintain his position. Unfortunately, Saratoga switched to port, placing the Little Rock in its arc. Fortunately there was little damage and no injuries were reported. During a voyage back in early December 1967, Saratoga spent several days in a violent Atlantic storm, causing massive damage to the external catwalk on the flight deck, sewer culvert, and boat sponsorship. He arrived in Mayport on December 6th.

On 2 January 1968, Saratoga sailed to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, and a modernization and refurbishment program lasting 11 months. On January 31, 1969, he traveled from Philadelphia to Guantanamo, through Hampton Roads and Mayport, and extensive refresher training on air crew and detachment.

On May 17, 1969, Armed Forces Day, he was the host ship for President Richard Nixon during a gun demonstration conducted by Carrier Air Wing Three in the Virginia Capes region. On July 9, he left Mayport for his ninth Mediterranean deployment. Ongoing, a Soviet surface force and a November-class submarine passed in close proximity, en route to Cuba. From the Azores on July 17, Saratoga was overshadowed by Soviet aircraft based in Kancovo. They were intercepted, photographed, and escorted around the aircraft carrier. He operated with the 60.2 Task Group of the Sixth Fleet in the eastern Mediterranean during September in a "show of force" in response to the massive buildup of Soviet surface units there, the hijacking of Trans World Airlines planes to Syria and the political coup in Libya. A number of reconnaissance and surveillance flights were carried by the Carrier Wing Three aircraft against the Soviet surface units, including the Soviet helicopter carrier aircraft carrier Moskva , which operated in southeastern Crete. Saratoga operates in this area again in October due to the crisis in Lebanon.


Saratoga returned to Mayport and the Florida coast from January 22 to June 11, 1970 when he sailed again for a job with the Sixth Fleet.

On September 28, 1970, President Richard Nixon and his party arrived on board. That night news was received that Gamal Abdel Nasser, President of the United Arab Republic, had died; an event that might plunge the entire Middle East into crisis. Intelligence and communication personnel from Saratoga are required to supply the President, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Secretary of State and Defense with important intelligence information to keep them abreast of the worsening situation. The presidency left the ship the following night, and Saratoga continued by patrolling the eastern Mediterranean until he sailed to the United States on November 2.

From his arrival in Mayport until March 10, 1971, he was in "cold iron" status. He then operated off the coast of Florida until June 7 when he set out for the eleventh deployment with the Sixth Fleet, through Scotland and the North Sea where he participated in the "Magic Sword II drill". He returned to Mayport on 31 October for a period of limited availability and local operations.

Vietnam War

On 11 April 1972, Saratoga sailed from Mayport to Subic Bay, and its first deployment to the western Pacific. He arrived at Subic Bay on May 8 and left for Vietnam the following week, arriving at "Yankee Station" on May 18th for his first period on the phone. Before the end of the year, he was at the station in the Gulf of Tonkin seven times: 18 May to 21 June; 1 to 16 July; July 28 to August 22; 2 to 19 September 29 September to 21 October; November 5 to December 8; and 18 to 31 December. He was reclassified as a "Multi-purpose Aircraft Carrier" ( CV-60 ) on June 30, 1972.

During the first period, Saratoga lost four planes and three pilots. On the plus side, on June 21, two of his F-4 Phantoms attacked three Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21s in North Vietnam. Avoiding four surface-to-air missiles, they managed to drop one of the MiG planes. Saratoga ' s aircraft strikes target ranging from enemy troop concentrations on lower windows to oil storage area in northeast of Hanoi. In the second period, he lost the F-4 to enemy fire in northeast Hanoi with a pilot and radar intercept officer missing in action. During this period, his aircraft flew 708 attacks against the enemy.

On Aug. 6, LT Jim Lloyd of the VA-105 Attack Squadron flew the A-7 Corsair on a Vinh bombing mission, his plane being shot out from under it by SAM. He was expelled to enemy territory at night. In a bold rescue with helicopters backed by CVW-3, he was lifted from the center of the enemy army and returned to Saratoga. On August 10, one CAP jet fighter sparked a MiG at night using AIM-7 Sparrow missiles.

During the period from 2 to 19 September, Saratoga ' flew over 800 combat attack missions against targets in North Vietnam. On October 20, the aircraft flew 83 air support attacks in six hours to support the territorial power besieged by the 48th Northern Vietnam Regiment. Air support saved small troops, allowing ARVN troops to progress, killing 102 North Vietnamese soldiers. During his final period at the station, Saratoga ' flooded the aircraft target in the heart of North Vietnam for more than a week.

Saratoga departed "Yankee Station" for Subic Bay on January 7, 1973. From there he sailed to the United States via Singapore and arrived in Mayport on 13 February 1973 where he joined the Atlantic Fleet.

Return to Atlantic Fleet

In early 1975, Saratoga took part in Locked Gate-75, a NATO operation intended to withstand the influence of the Portuguese Communist Party in Portugal after the Carnation Carnation Revolution. Along with several foreign ships, he enters the Tagus River delta and anchored in front of the Belà © m Presidential Palace.

Saratoga sailed from Mayport, Florida January 1976 for other Med shipping. On top of it is VS-22 with the first launch of the S-3A Viking anti-submarine aircraft. He also took part in operations during the Lebanon crisis in 1976.

On November 21, 1978, Saratoga collided with Wampamaw refueling oiler while operating with the Sixth Fleet, during a 50-mile (80 km) southern Crete refueling operation, suffered minor damage. and no injuries.


In March 1980, Saratoga initiated a CVW-3 airwing and departed on 16th Mediterranean deployment. Highlights of the deployment included major drills with USSÃ battle groups, Forrestal , and visits by Navy Chief of Operations, ADM Thomas B. Hayward, and Chief of Staff of Petty Navy Thomas C. Crow. The commanding officer, CAPT James H. Flatley III, made a history of naval aviation on June 21, 1980 when he completed his 1500th landing. To make the occasion special, Lord James H. Flatley IV, Captain's son, climbed into the backseat.

On September 28, 1980, just one month after his return from placement, Saratoga left Mayport and headed north to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard where he underwent the most extensive industrial reshuffle ever undertaken on any ship Navy. Saratoga is the first vessel to undergo a Service Life Extension Program (SLEP) repair which will last 28 months. He conducted a sea test on October 16, 1982, and left Philadelphia with much fanfare on February 2, 1983 with his new nickname - "Super Sara."

The Saratoga left the Mayport Basin again for its 17th deployment in the Mediterranean on April 2, 1984.

Saratoga's 18th deployment is just ordinary. After leaving Mayport in August 1985, Saratoga steamed to the Mediterranean for what was scheduled to become a routine dispersal. But on October 10, he was called into action. The luxury Italian ship, Achille Lauro , with a cruise ship departing from Alexandria, was hijacked by terrorists from the Palestine Liberation Front (PLF). After the suspenseful negotiations and the murder of an American tourist, the hijackers were stranded in Port Said. The Egyptian authorities made a hasty arrangement for the terrorists to leave the country. They boarded Air Air 737 jets at Al Maza Air Base, northeast of Cairo. On orders from President Ronald Reagan, seven F-14 Tomcats from VF-74 "Bedevilers" and VF-103 "Sluggers" were launched from Saratoga . Supports continuous Tomcats are VA-85 Grumman KA-6D air tankers and E-2C Hawkeye from VAW-125. Offshore Crete, the F-14, without the use of lights that light up, subsided on the side and behind the plane. As ordered, the Tomcats light their lights and dip their wings - international signals for forced landing. E-2C Hawkeye emits aircraft to follow the F-14. Realizing that they are in a "no-win" situation, the hijackers allow pilots to follow Tomcats to Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy. An hour and 15 minutes later, the plane landed and the hijackers were arrested by the Italians after a dispute between the American and Italian authorities. Seven hours after the fighter jet was scrambled, all Saratoga returned home without a shot.

On 5 December 1985 Saratoga became the first carrier to seal the jetty on the island of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean.

On March 23, 1986, while operating off the coast of Libya, aircraft from the aircraft carrier Saratoga , Coral Sea and America crossed what Libyan leader Muammar al - Gaddafi calls the "Death Line". The next day at noon, three US Navy warships crossed the same 32Ã, Â ° 30 navigation line. Two hours later, Libyan forces fired SA-5 Gammon surface-to-air missiles from the coastal city of Surt. The missiles missed their Tomcat F-14 target and crashed harmlessly into the water. Later that afternoon, US aircraft turned two Libyan Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25 fighters over the disputed Gulf of Sidra. Soon after, aircraft from three aircraft carriers fought back in defense. A-6E armed intruser fired Rockeye cluster bombs and Harpoon anti-ship cruise missiles on Libyan missile patrol boats operating in the "Line of Death." That night, two A-7E Corsair II jets attacked a key radar installation in Surt. In conclusion, three Libyan patrol boats and radar sites were destroyed by Navy aircraft.

Friendly firefight incident

In 1550 EDT on 22 September 1987, F-14 Tomcat, VF-74 from Naval Air Station Oceana, Virginia Beach, Virginia, operating from Saratoga, accidentally shot down the US Air Force RF. -4C Phantom II, of the 26th Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, from ZweibrÃÆ'¼cken Air Base, West Germany, over the Mediterranean during NATO training, "Determination of Views 87". Both RF-4C crews were removed and rescued by helicopters from Saratoga within 30 minutes, suffering many injuries. Tomcat's pilot, Timothy W. Dorsey, was disciplined and permanently removed from flying status, but recommended to be promoted to Admiral 25 years later.

After the 19th Mediterranean deployment ' in June 1987, it was overhauled once again at Norfolk Naval Shipyard, Portsmouth, Virginia, at a cost of $ 280 million.


Desert Storm Operation

Saratoga together with initiating CVW-17 airwing, participating in Operation Desert Storm, especially in the Red Sea. Before the outbreak of hostilities in Iraq, Saratoga suffered the loss of 21 crew members in a ferry crash off the coast of Haifa, Israel. During the war, Saratoga arranged what was at the time, some notes. He completed six transits of the Suez Canal and completed about 11,000 aircraft launches and recovery cycles. Saddam Hussein claimed on Iraqi television that Saratoga had drowned, along with several other Coalition ships. On one occasion during the war, the missile, probably Scud, was launched towards the general of Saratoga in the Red Sea, but it was either directed, or launched on premonition, as determined at the start of its flight path would be lost more than 100 miles sea ​​(200 km).

The ship launched many flights to support operations, including the Scott Speicher operation, which is considered true as the first American war casualties.

Another Saratoga aircraft that was shot down was an A-6E Intruder. Bombardier/Navigator LT Jeffrey Zaun was paraded in front of the camera by his captors in Iraq, but eventually returned to American troops and was able to return to Saratoga .

Saratoga based on US Navy SEALs did the first war boarding of merchant voyages in the Red Sea to support Desert Shield Operations.

TCG Incident Muavenet

During the fall of 1992, the United States, Turkey, and several other NATO members participated in the 1992 "Display Determination Exercise", a joint naval exercise under ADM's overall command Jeremy Michael Boorda of the United States Navy. The power of participating countries is assigned to one of two multinational teams. VADM T. Joseph Lopez of the United States Navy led the "Chocolate Forces", which included Saratoga . The opposing "Green Forces", including the Turkish TCGÃ killer destroyer, Muavenet, former USS Gwin (DM-33), are under the direct control of Admiral Kroon of the Netherlands.

During the "tactical improvement" phase of the exercise, the Chocolate Force attempted an amphibious landing in Saros Bay in the Aegean Sea against the resistance offered by the Green Forces. ADM Boorda ordered units of each force to actively seek and "destroy" each other. Both commanders of the task force have full authority to involve the enemy when and where they are deemed appropriate and to use all the war assets they have to achieve victory. Needless to say, all confrontations are meant to be simulated attacks.

While all ships had a break (green period) and were deployed offshore, on September 30, 1992, the TAKO's Tactical Action Center Officer on board the Saratoga vessels decided to launch a simulated attack against the nearest opposition forces. utilizing the Sea Sparrow RIM-7 missile system. After obtaining the approval of Commanding Officers of Saratoga and the Commander of the Battle Group, RADM Philip Dur, the Combat Center Directed Officer implements the simulated attack plan. Without giving prior notice, the officers at Saratoga woke up the registered Sea Sparrow missile team and directed them to perform a simulated attack. Certain members of the missile shooter team are not informed that the exercise is an exercise, not an actual event.

As the exercise progresses, the missile system operator uses language to indicate he is preparing to fire live missiles, but in the absence of standard terminology, the responsible officer fails to appreciate the meaning of the terms used and the requests made. Specifically, the operator of the Target Acquisition System issued an "arm and tune" command, a term that console operators understood to arm missiles in preparation for actual firing. The officers who supervised the exercise did not realize that "arm and tune" signaled a direct shot. As a result, shortly after midnight on the morning of October 1st, Saratoga fired two Sea Sparrow missiles alive in Muavenet. Missiles hit Muavenet on the bridge, destroyed it and the Combat Information Center, killing five people, including commanding officers, and wounding most of the Turkish ship officers. The Navy official recommended that the captain of the aircraft carrier Saratoga and seven other officers and seafarers be disciplined for missile shooting, the recommendations followed.

File:USS John F Kennedy (CV-67) and USS Saratoga (CV-60) underway ...

Decommissioning and destiny

Saratoga was disabled at Naval Station, Mayport, Florida, on August 20, 1994, and was struck from the Naval Vessel Register on the same day. He was withdrawn to Philadelphia in May 1995, later, following the deactivation of the Philadelphia Navy Yard in August 1998, to the Newport Naval Station in Newport, Rhode Island. There he was first placed in a donation base, then his status was changed to "disposal as an experimental ship", and finally he was returned to the donation platform on January 1, 2000. While a kingpin in Newport, formerly Saratoga, like his sister, has been widely stripped down to support an active carrier fleet. There is an active effort to make it a museum ship at Quonset Point in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. In April 2010, Saratoga has been removed from donation freeze and is scheduled to be discarded.

The 1994-1995 effort to build a ship as a museum in Jacksonville, Florida failed to raise even half of the start up cost. Jacksonville's civilian leaders sought to raise funds, but the fundraising campaign, "Save Our ," failed to reach the $ 3 million target. Efforts were abandoned when startup costs increased from $ 4.5 million to $ 6.8 million. Officials want to deploy ships in downtown Jacksonville, on the River St. Johns along the Southbank Riverwalk.

The main obstacle was the rivalry with the National Football League, which had given the city of Jaguars Jacksonville a franchise in November 1993. To secure the team as part of an agreement with the NFL, the city had to ensure a substantial financial commitment to fund the re-construction of the city stadium at a cost of $ 130 million over 1994. This severely limits the funding and city support available from the "Save Us Sara " attempt to bring Saratoga back to his home port. The USS USS Saratoga Foundation, Inc. Foundation ceased operations in the summer of 1995.

On May 8, 2014, the Marine Sea Systems Command announced that ESCO Marine, Brownsville, Texas, would dump Saratoga for one cent. This is the minimum amount that can be paid to dispose of the vessel. On 21 August 2014, Saratoga left Naval Station Newport and traveled to Narragansett Bay to the Atlantic Ocean, en route to the Esco Marine recycling plant in Brownsville, Texas. The ship arrived in the trash on September 16 for final removal.

USS Saratoga (CV-60) Asbestos Exposure | Navy Veterans & Mesothelioma

Famous naval officer

  • ADM Jeremy Michael Boorda, the ship is his flagship 1987; Head of Naval Operations to-25
  • VADM David Eugene Frost, First Executive Officer, and Provisional Commanding Officer of the US Navy Combat Tactics Instructor program (Navy "Topgun" School). (CO of the USS Saratoga August 1986 - March 1988; during that time, the USS Saratoga won two consecutive Battle Es).
  • CAPT Scott Speicher, Naval Aviator.
  • RADM Jack M. James, Commander, October 2, 1964 - September 2, 1965
  • VADM Joseph Scott Mobley (COMNAVAIRLANT), the last US military prisoner of war (Shot Down: June 24, 1968/Released: March 14, 1973) Retired from active duty on April 12, 2001. (CO of USS during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm).

File:USS Saratoga (CV-60) returning from final deployment.jpg ...

See also

  • List of aircraft operators
  • List of US Navy aircraft carriers

An aerial port bow view of the aircraft carrier USS SARATOGA (CV ...


File:USS Saratoga (CV-60) returns from Desert Storm.jpg ...


This article incorporates text from the public domain American Naval Navy Dictionary . Entries can be found here.

U.S.S. Saratoga CVA-60 Revell 05089

External links

  • USS Saratoga commisoning - Youtube
  • Association of USS Saratoga
  • USS Saratoga
  • USS Saratoga
  • USS Saratoga
  • Naval Vessel Register - CV60
  • Navy History Center - USS Saratoga (CVA-60, then CV-60), 1956 -
  • American Battleship Dictionary - Saratoga
  • Saratoga The Museum Foundation Page page
  • Tomcatters Association - Saratoga
  • USS Saratoga CR Division web page

Source of the article : Wikipedia
