Gross Money is an American documentary series that tells the stories of corporate corruption. All six-hour episodes of the series start streaming on Netflix on January 26, 2018. The show's executive producers include the Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney. Each episode focuses on one instance of corporate corruption and includes interviews with key players in each story.
Video Dirty Money (2018 TV series)
Maps Dirty Money (2018 TV series)
The reaction to the series is relatively positive, with a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an 80 rating on Metacritic. Brian Lowry of CNN explains the main premise that "for pro-business supporters deregulation... offers a simple yet powerful answer: Look at the horrible and unethical behavior borne by the corporate entity when they think nobody is looking."
See also
- The original program list is distributed by Netflix
Source of the article : Wikipedia