Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

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Sitecore 9 : Switching to Azure Search - YouTube

Microsoft Azure Search is a component of the Microsoft Azure Cloud Platform that provides indexing and querying capabilities for data uploaded to Microsoft servers. Search as a service template is intended to provide developers with complex search capabilities for mobile and web development while hiding the infrastructure requirements and complexity of search algorithms. Azure Search is the latest addition to Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) approach from Microsoft.

Video Azure Search


In 2008 Microsoft released the Azure platform with a cloud-based component code project called Red Dog. The years leading up to 2013 were spent developing the Azure framework within Microsoft's environment. In 2013 Microsoft issued a general announcement announcing IaaS and detailing Azure's new features, including the new Azure Search.

Maps Azure Search

Azure Search as a Service

Azure Search is an API-based service that provides the REST API through protocols such as OData or integrated libraries such as the.NET SDK. This service primarily consists of indexing data and search queries.

The data to be searched is uploaded into a logical container called index. The interface scheme is created as part of a logical index container that provides API hooks used to return search results with additional features integrated into Azure Search. Azure Search provides two different indexing engines: Microsoft's has natural language processing technology or Apache Lucene analysis. Microsoft search engine seems to be built in Elasticsearch.

IaaS and PaaS

Azure offers platforms through the web interface (Platform as a Service) and hardware via virtual servers allocated to Azure accounts for data storage and processing (Infrastructure as a Service). Azure Search is in the Microsoft IaaS suite and PaaS as a service, I.E. Search as a Service (SaaS).



The search string can be specified as one of the query parameters to retrieve the matching document. Azure Search supports search strings using simple query syntax. Supported features include logical operator, operator suffix, and query with Lucene query syntax. (Currently in preview) For example,

 white house  

will search for documents that contain "white" and "home". Lucene's query syntax provides a feature similar to simple query syntax for logical operators and wildcard search while also supporting more complicated functions like proximity search and fuzzy search,

Language Support

Azure Search currently supports 56 different languages. Each supported language extension comes with a text analyzer to account for differences in characteristics related to a particular language. Both analysis tools supported by Lucene and analysis supported by Microsoft's natural language processing technology are supported. This analytics tool provides features such as text segmentation, word normalization, and entity recognition when processing text documents. List of supported languages ​​can be found in Microsoft Azure Documentation.

Search Suggestions

Type-ahead queries or auto-complete search bars provide potential search terms while user types. The suggestion capability is provided as an optional component specified in an index called construction of a suggester. The suggester construction provides information about the list of fields to be considered as the content source for suggestions.

Hit Highlight

The text snippet in the search results matching the search query can be highlighted by specifying a set of field names as one of the query parameters for hit presses.

Faceted Navigation

Diverse Navigation allows the user to specify a field into terms in the query parameters passed to Azure Search. Users can search or filter search results by using criteria such as category, price and brand. There are several parameters that provide customization of faceting capabilities such as sorting and interval. For example, if you specify

 facet = rating, sort: -value  

The returned results will contain all the groups ranked in order by value. Faceted navigation is common in most e-commerce sites like Amazon.

Geo-spatial Support

Azure Search supports geo-spatial information. This allows users to explore data based on specific geographic locations. An overview of Geo-spatial support can be found in Azure Search and Geo-spatial Data.

Sitecore on Azure PaaS” â€


Source of the article : Wikipedia
