Rabu, 04 Juli 2018

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Top 10 Controversial Relics Associated With Jesus Christ - YouTube
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A number of relics related to Jesus have been claimed and displayed throughout the history of Christianity. Some people believe in the authenticity of some relics; others doubt the authenticity of various goods. For example, the sixteenth-century Catholic theologian, Erasmus, wrote sarcastically about the proliferation of relics, and the number of buildings that could be constructed of wood claimed to have come from the cross used in the Crucifixion of Jesus. Similarly, while scholars debate whether Christ was crucified with three or with four spikes, at least three Holy Nails were honored as relics throughout Europe in the early 20th century.

Some relics, such as the remnants of the recognized Crown of the Duri, received only a small number of pilgrims, while others, such as the Shroud of Turin (associated with Catholic devotions approved to the Holy Face of Jesus), received millions of pilgrims, who in recent years has included Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI.

As Christian doctrine generally states that Christ is assumed to heaven physically, there are some physical relics, unlike the relics of a saint. An important exception, from long before the ascension, is the Holy Pouch.

Video Relics associated with Jesus

True Cross

In the Christian tradition, the term "True Cross" refers to the actual cross used in the Crucifixion of Jesus. Today, many pieces of wood are claimed to be relics of the True Cross, but it is difficult to establish their authenticity. The spread of the story of the discovery of the fourth century of the Cross century in part because of its inclusion in 1260 in the popular book Jacopo de Voragine The Golden Legend , which also includes other stories such as Saint George and the Dragon.

Tradition and legend connect the discovery of the True Cross with Saint Helena, mother of Constantine the Great who went to Palestine during the fourth century to search for relics. Eusebius of Caesarea is the only contemporary writer who wrote about the journey of Helena in his book Life of Constantine. But Eusebius does not mention the discovery of the True Cross, although he relies heavily on the piety of Helena and the discovery of the place of the Holy Sepulcher. The text that informs (and gradually decipheres) the story of the discovery of the True Cross and its identification through the date of miracles until the fifth century, and includes writings by Socrates Scholasticus, Sozomen and Saint Theodoret.

The pieces of the True Cross, including half of the INRI inscriptions, are preserved in the ancient basilica of Santa Croce at Gerusalemme in Rome. Small pieces or particles of the True Cross are reportedly preserved in hundreds of other churches in Europe and in the cross. Their authenticity is not universally accepted by the Christian faith and the accuracy of the reports surrounding the discovery of the True Cross is questioned by many Christians. The acceptance and beliefs of the tradition section pertaining to the Early Christian Church were generally limited to the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Churches. The medieval legend of its origins differs between the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox traditions. These churches honor Helena as a saint, as well as Anglican Communion.

Maps Relics associated with Jesus


A number of images of acheiropoieta (ie not made by hand) reported as Jesus' face, or having an impression of his face or body on a piece of cloth have been written about or displayed for centuries.. In many cases, these images are subject to intense debate and speculation.

Although devotion to the face of Jesus has been practiced, the term "Holy Face of Jesus" as used today relates only to the specific devotions approved by Pope Leo XIII in 1895 and Pope Pius XII in 1958 in terms of drawings of the Holy Shroud. from Turin.

Shroud of Turin

The Shroud of Turin is Jesus' most famous legacy and one of the most studied artifacts in human history.

Various tests have been done on the shroud, but both believers and skeptics continue to present arguments for and against the validity of the test. One of the contentious issues was the radiocarbon dating in 1988 that produced results showing that the shroud was made during the Middle Ages. Believers have since presented arguments against the 1988 carbon calendar results, ranging from conflicts in evidence interpretation, to samples taken from unrepresentative angles, to additional carbon content through fire damage. Fierce debate has taken place ever since.

Believers claim that the pollen residue of the Shroud of Turin shows strong evidence that it originated in Jerusalem before the 8th century.

Both skeptics and supporters tend to have a deeply rooted position on the cause of the formation of shroud images (sometimes pitting science against divine formations) that have made dialogue extremely difficult. This can prevent the problem completely resolved to the satisfaction of all parties in the near future.

Sudarium from Oviedo

Oviedo's aura is a bloodstained cloth, c. 84 ÃÆ'â € "53Ã, cm, is stored in CÃÆ'¡mara Santa Catedral San Salvador, Oviedo, Spain. The Sudarium (Latin for sweat cloth ) is claimed as the cloth that wrapped around the head of Jesus Christ after he died, as it is mentioned in John's Gospel (20: 6-7).

The sudarium is very dirty and crumpled, with dark spots arranged symmetrically but does not form an image, unlike the signs on the Turin Shroud. However, some of those who received the Shroud as an authentic claim that many of the stains in the Sudarium match those in the head of the Shroud. Believers (such as the Vatican archivist, Msgr Giulio Ricci, who studied it in 1995) argue that both fabrics cover the same man.

Picture of Edessa

The image of Edessa is also known as the Mandylion. Two images claim to be the Mandylion: Genoa Holy Face in St. Church Bartholomew of Armenia in Genoa; and the Holy Face of San Silvestro, were kept at the San Silvestro Church at Capite in Rome until 1870, and now in the Matilda Chapel at the Vatican Palace. The theory that the glorified object as the Mandylion from the sixth century to the thirteenth century is actually the Shroud of Turin has been the subject of debate.

Veil Veronica

The Veil of Veronica, which according to legend used to wipe the sweat from Jesus' brow when he bearing the cross, is also said to bear the likeness of the face of Christ. Today, some pictures claim to be Veil of Veronica.

There is a picture stored in St. Peter's Basilica in Rome that is said to be the same Veronica as the one worshiped in the Middle Ages. Very few inspections are recorded in modern times and there are no detailed photographs. The most detailed recorded inspection in the 20th century took place in 1907 when Jesuit art historian Joseph Wilpert was allowed to move two glass plates to examine the images.

The Hofburg Palace in Vienna has a copy of Veronica, identified by the signature of Pope Paul V's secretary, during his reign of a series of six careful veil copies made in 1617.

Image at the Sacred Friary Monastery in Alicante, Spain was acquired by Pope Nicholas V of the Byzantine Emperor family in 1453 and was awarded by the Vatican's cardinal to a Spanish priest who brought him to Alicante, in 1489.

The JaÃÆ' Â © n Cathedral in Spain has a copy of Veronica that probably dates from the 14th century and originates from Siena. It is known as Saint Rostro and was acquired by Bishop Nicholas de Biedma in the 14th century.

In 1999, Father Heinnrich Pfeiffer announced at a press conference in Rome that he had found the Veil in a Capuchin monastery church in the small village of Manoppello, Italy, where since 1660. Professor Pfeiffer has actually promoted this. pictures for many years before. This theory has since been promoted by writer Paul Badde in his 2010 book The Face of God .

Proponents of the Claim's legitimacy claim that recent research has shown that Manoppello's face corresponds exactly to the face presented to the Turin Shroud and blood stains in the Oviedo District, though skeptics deny it. Also, the 3D property of the Manoppello Picture (similar to that claimed for the Shroud, but weaker) has been found.

The mysterious relics related to the death of Jesus | Proforbes
src: www.proforbes.com

Other relics

Holy Qice (Holy Grail)

Holy Chalice (Holy Grail)

The Holy Chalice is the cup or vessel that Jesus uses at the Last Supper to serve the wine, as in the Gospel of Matthew (26: 27-28) stating: "Drink from it, all of you." This is my blood. people for the forgiveness of sins. "

A number of Holy Chalices have been reported and also gave birth to the legend of the Holy Grail, which is not part of the Catholic tradition but mythology. From the existing cup, just Santo CÃÆ'¡liz de Valencia (English: Holy Chalice of Valencia Cathedral ) is recognized as a "historical relic" by the Vatican, though not as a trophy actually used at the Last Supper. Although both Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI have honored this trophy in Valencia Cathedral, neither of them officially declared it authentic.


A large number of other relics claimed by Jesus continue to be displayed throughout the world. A large number of these relics involve the journey of Saint Helena, the mother of Constantine the Great, to Syria Palaestina in the fourth century to collect relics.

The authenticity of these many relics is questionable. For example, concerning the Holy Nails brought back by Saint Helena, the Catholic Encyclopedia states that given that the question has long debated whether Christ was crucified with three or four spikes:

A very small dependence can be placed on the authenticity of thirty or more sacred nails that are still revered, or that have been honored to date, in treasures like the Santa Croce in Rome, or those of Venice, Aachen, Escurial, Nuremberg, Prague, etc. Probably the majority begins by claiming to be facsimiles who have touched or contained the submission of some other nails whose claim is more ancient.

Likewise, a large number of churches claim to have the remains of the Crown of Thorn placed over the head of Jesus by the soldiers before his crucifixion.

The Scala Sancta, the staircase of Pontet Pilatus's praetorium, ascended by Jesus during his trial was also reportedly brought to Rome by Saint Helena of Constantinople in the 4th century.

The Basilica of the Holy Blood in Bruges, Belgium, claimed the specimen of Christ's blood in a bottle containing cloth with the blood of Jesus Christ, was brought to the city by Thierry of Alsace after the 12th century.

Other relics claimed, based on the Crucifixion of Christ include:

  • The Holy Coat: The possession of the flawless clothing of Christ (Latin: Latin tunica inconsultilis ; John 19:23), where the the soldiers threw much at the Crucifixion, claimed by the cathedral Trier, Germany, and by the parish church of Argenteuil, France. The flawless cloak of Jesus is stored in the cathedral of Trier. The Argenteuil tradition claims that the glorified clothing in the city as the Sacred Coat was brought there by Charlemagne.
  • The Calvary of the Crucifixion, a small rock called Golgotha, in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem. Inside the church there is a pile of stones along the 7 meters (23 feet) long 3 meters (9.8 feet) wide 4.8 meters (16 feet), believed to be what is now visible from Calvary.
  • The Iron Crown of Lombardy and Bridle of Constantine, said to be made of nails used during the crucifixion.
  • The Holy Lance, the Longinus spear used to pierce the side of Jesus when he was on the cross, to make sure that he was dead.
  • The Holy Sponge, in Santa Croce in Jerusalem.
  • The Establishment Column, which Jesus tied up during the Battle of Christ, was kept at the Basilica of Saint Praxedes in Rome.

Crown of Thorns

The Passion relics presented at Notre-Dame de Paris include a piece of the True Cross, which had been stored in Rome and delivered by Saint Helena, Emperor Konstantin's mother, nails of the Crucifixion and the Crown of Duri.

Despite numerous research and historical and scientific research efforts, its authenticity can not be certified. It has been the object of Christian prayer that is more than sixteen centuries.

Saint John says that, on the night between Holy Thursday and Good Friday, the Roman army mocked Christ and his Sovereignty by placing a crown of thorns on his head (John 19:12).

The crown that is housed in the cathedral of Paris is a circle of sticks bundled together and held by a golden thread. The spikes are attached to this braided circle, which is 21 cm in diameter. The thorns were distributed for centuries by the Byzantine emperors and the French Kings. There are seventy, all the same type.

The account of the 4th century pilgrims to Jerusalem alluded to the Crown of Thorns and the tools of the Passion of Christ. In 409, Saint Paul of Nola referred to it as one of the remains preserved in the basilica on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. In 570, Anthony Martir discovered it was exhibited for worship in the Basilica of Sion. Around 575, Cassiodorus, in his Exposition at the 75th Psalm, exclaims, "Jerusalem has Columns, here, there is the Crown of Thorns!" In 870, again in Jerusalem, Bernard the Monk also recorded it.

Between the 7th and 10th centuries, the relics were moved progressively to the Byzantine chapels in Constantinople, primarily to keep them safe from looting, just as the Holy Sepulcher suffered during the Persian invasion. In 1238, Byzantium was ruled by the Latin Emperor Baldwin II of Constantinople. Because he was in great financial difficulty, he decided to mortgage the relic in the Venetian bank to get credit.

Saint Louis, the king of France, took over and paid back the Venetians. On 10 August 1239, the king, followed by a brilliant procession, welcomed twenty-nine relics at Villeneuve-l'ArchevÃÆ'ªque. On August 19, 1239, the procession arrived in Paris; the king unleashed his kingdom's garments. Wearing only a simple tunic and with bare feet, aided by his brother, took the Crown of Thorns to Notre-Dame de Paris before placing the relics in the chapel of the palace. He built a decent relic for this relic housing, Sainte-Chapelle.

During the French revolution, relics were kept in the National Library. After Concordat in 1801, they were given back to the archbishops of Paris who placed them in the cathedral treasury on August 10, 1806. They are still there today.

Since then, these remains have been preserved by the Metropolitan Chapter Capitals, which are responsible for worship, and are guarded by the Knights of the Order of the Holy Land of Jerusalem.

Napoleon I and Napoleon III each offer a relic to the crown of thorns. They are on display at Notre-Dame Cathedral during a scheduled religious ceremony.

Body Relics

Christianity generally states that Christ ascended to heaven physically. Therefore, the only part of her body available for worship is the parts that have been lost before the Ascension. At various points in history, some churches in Europe claim to have Holy Prepuce, the foreskin of Jesus from Circumcision, sometimes at the same time. One part of the Holy Naval Rope that is believed to have existed since the birth of Christ is now at Archbasilica of St. John Lateran.


A number of other relics claimed to exist; there is no evidence that everything is genuine. In many cases, there are contradictory claims of unique relics that exist simultaneously in different locations.

Source of the article : Wikipedia
