Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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A menstrual cup is a feminine hygiene product that is inserted into the vagina during menstruation. The goal is to prevent menstrual fluid (blood that contains the lining of the uterus) from leaking to clothing. Menstrual cups are usually made of medical grade silicones that are flexible and shaped like bells with stems. Rods are used for insertion and removal. A cup of bell-shaped clinging to the vaginal wall just below the cervix. Every 4-12 hours (depending on the amount of flow), cup removed, emptied, rinsed, and re-inserted. After each period, the cup should be boiled for at least 5 minutes and stored for use in the next month.

Unlike tampons and pads, cups collect menstrual fluid rather than absorb it. One cup can be reused for up to five years or more. This makes their long-term costs lower than tampons or disposable pads, even though the initial cost is higher. Menstrual cups are also promoted as being more practical and environmentally friendly than sanitary napkins and tampons.

The Food and Drug Administration of the United States has stated that menstrual cups are safe to use after reviewing various research studies. There are no health risks associated with the use of menstrual cups.

Video Menstrual cup


The menstrual cup is first folded or pinched, then inserted into the vagina. Usually it will be revealed automatically and make a lightweight seal against the vaginal wall. In some cases, the user may need to rotate the goblet or flex the vaginal muscles to ensure the cup is fully open. In most cases, the cups migrate up and sit against the cervix. If properly inserted, the cup should not leak or cause discomfort, such as a tampon. Those familiar with inserting non-tampon applicators should learn fast enough how to insert the cup. There are various folding techniques for insertion. One of the most common folds is in the form of the letter C.

If the lubricant is required for insertion, it should be water-based, as some lubricants can damage the silicon.

After 4-24 hours of use (depending on the amount of flow), the cup is removed by grabbing the trunk to find the base. Simply pull the trunk is not recommended to remove the cup, because it can make suction. The base of the cup is pinched to release the seal, and the cup is removed. After emptying, the menstrual cup should be rinsed or removed and reinserted. Can be washed with mild soap, and sterilized in boiling water for a few minutes at the end of the cycle. Alternatively, sterilization solutions (usually developed for baby bottles and breast pumping equipment) can be used to soak the cup. Special cleaning instructions vary by brand.

  • When using a menstrual cup, menstrual fluid is collected after flowing from the cervix and held in liquid form. With tampons, the liquid is absorbed and held in the form of semi-coagulation of the cervix. This reduces the odor.
  • The menstrual cups collect menstrual fluid inside the vagina and are generally not leaky (if emptied often enough and inserted properly). Some women experience leaks due to improper use or cup size. For example, the menstrual cup may leak if not properly inserted and not fully open and close the vaginal wall.
  • If the user needs to track the number of menstruation he or she has produced (eg, for medical reasons), the menstrual cup allows him to do so accurately. Some cups have even measured the marks on them.

Acceptance study

A randomized controlled trial in Canada in 2011 investigated whether menstrual cups are a viable alternative to tampons and found that about 91% of women in the menstrual cohort say they will continue to use the cup and recommend it to others. In a 1995 clinical study involving 51 women, 23 of the participants (45%) found the menstrual cup to be an acceptable way to regulate menstrual flow.

In a randomized controlled eligibility study in rural western Kenya, primary school adolescent girls were provided with menstrual cups or dressings in lieu of traditional menstrual care items of fabric or tissue. Girls given menstrual cups had a lower prevalence of sexually transmitted infections than the control group. Also, the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis is lower among cup users compared to users of dressings or those who continue with other usual practices. After six months, users of menstrual cups are free of leaks or embarrassing odors, and may engage in class and sport activities without humiliation or ridicule.

Access to water and cleanliness

  • Cleaning your menstrual cups in public toilets can cause problems like handwashing basins usually, though not always, in public spaces rather than in toilet cubicles. Some manufacturers suggest to clean the cup with a clean tissue and clean the cup on the next personal occasion. The user can also carry a small bottle of water in his handbag to rinse the cup privately over the toilet. Another option is to use wet wipes. Because menstrual cups may only need to be emptied every 6-24 hours, many users do not need to empty them in public toilets but are more comfortable in their own homes.
  • Lack of clean water and soap to wash hands, needed before entering the cup, presents a problem for women in developing countries. Insertion requires a thorough washing of the cup and hand to avoid inserting new bacteria into the vagina, which can increase the risk of UTI and other infections. Disposable and reusable bearings do not require the same hand hygiene, although reusable pads also require access to water for washing pads.
  • Due to the fact that menstrual cups require boiling once a month, this can be a problem in developing countries if there is a lack of water, firewood and good hygiene practices. However, other options currently in use, such as washcloths, may be less hygienic.
  • Eliminating menstrual cups can be a mess. Sometimes menstrual blood can spill during removal, although many women lift the device while hovering over the toilet to catch the spill.

When using dry toilets that drain urine, menstrual blood can be emptied into the receiving part of the stool. If there is menstrual blood falling into the funnel for urine, it can be rinsed with water.

Maps Menstrual cup


Menstrual cups are safe when used as directed and no health risks associated with their use have been found.

No medical research has been done to ensure that menstrual cups are safe before they are introduced in the market. Initial research in 1962 evaluated 50 women using bell-shaped cups. The researchers obtained a vaginal smear, gram stain, and aerobic culture of vaginal fluid. Vaginal speculum examination is performed, and pH is measured. No significant changes were recorded. This report is the first to contain extensive information about the safety and acceptance of the widely used menstrual cups that include preclinical and clinical testing and more than 10 years post marketing surveillance.

One case report noted the development of endometriosis and adenomyosis in one user's menstrual cups. In addition, a survey with a small sample size indicates possible links. Therefore, the two organizations have issued a joint statement urging further research. However, the US Food and Drug Administration refused to remove the menstrual cup from the market, saying there was not enough evidence of risk.

A randomized controlled trial of 2011 measured urovaginal infection in comparison with the use of menstrual and tampon cups, and found no difference.

There was no difference in the growth of Staphylococcus aureus , or health hazards were identified among school girls given menstrual cups compared with those who used sanitary napkins, or continued their usual practice in rural western Kenya.

Toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a potentially lethal bacterial disease. Scientists have acknowledged the relationship between TSS and the use of tampons, although the exact connections are still unclear. TSS caused by the use of menstrual cups seems very rare almost non-existent. The possible reason for this is that the menstrual cup does not absorb, does not irritate the vaginal mucosa tissue, and so does not alter the vaginal flora in measured quantities. Conversely, vaginal dryness and abrasions can occur if the tampons used are more absorbent than necessary for menstrual flow, and the normal fluid that should coat the vaginal wall is also absorbed. Studies have shown that the cup has no impact on the vaginal flora, meaning there is no effect on the presence of S. aureus, a bacterium that can cause TSS. The risk of TSS associated with cervical caps used for contraception in the female barrier method is also very low. Cervical caps and menstrual cups alike use medical grade silicone or latex.

One case report recorded a confirmed case of shock toxic syndrome (TSS) associated with the use of DivaCup menstrual cups. This case is a woman who has a history of Hashimoto's thyroiditis and chronic menorrhagia. This report is the first and only report to detail the relationship between menstrual cup and menstrual TSS, making it very rare.

Menstrual Cups | Everything you need to know about - betty


The menstrual cup is shaped like a bell. Most brands use medical grade silicone as a material for menstrual cups, although latex is also an option. Menstrual cups made of silicone are generally designed to last for 1-5 years.

The majority of brands of menstrual cups on the market sell reusable cups, rather than disposable cups, which is the focus of this article.

Size and selection

Most brands of menstrual cups sell smaller and larger sizes. Smaller sizes are recommended for women under 30 who have not delivered normally. Larger sizes recommended for women over the age of 30 years, have given birth normally, or have a tremendous flow of weight. Smaller size cups are recommended for teenagers, as well as physically fit women and girls, as those with stronger pelvic muscles may find the larger cup uncomfortable. Length also needs to be considered: if the female cervix sits very low, she may want to use a shorter cup. Capacity is important for women who have more severe flow. The average menstrual cup holds about 20 ml. Some cups are designed to be larger and 37-42 ml resistant. However, all available cups currently have a larger capacity than the usual tampon, which is 10-12 ml.

The final consideration in choosing menstrual cups is firmness or flexibility. Some companies offer different levels of firmness in their cups. The stronger cup opens more easily after insertion and may have a more consistent seal against the vaginal wall (preventing leakage), but many women find a softer cup more comfortable.


The silicon that most brands of cups are produced is naturally colorless and translucent. Some brands offer colored cups as well as, or instead of colorless ones. The translucent cups lose their initial appearance faster than colored - they tend to get yellowish stains with usage. Colored colored cups may change over time, although stains are often not very clear in colored cups. Stains on each color of the cup can often be removed or at least lightened by soaking the cup in aqueous hydrogen peroxide and/or leaving it in the sun for several hours.

Most cups produced have no other additives for them, except for colored cups. The dyes used are reported safe and approved by the FDA for medical use and food coloring.


Disposable cups (also called menstrual discs) are usually disc-shaped, like a diaphragm, with a flexible outer ring and a soft, folded center. It is designed to be discarded after use. These tend to be made of a mix of class medical polymers. These are placed at the base of the cervix in the vaginal fornix, and cover the cervix, such as the diaphragm. Because of its placement, it can be worn during intercourse, but it is not contraception nor does it protect against sexually transmitted infections.

Disposable cups are designed to fit most women, but may not be suitable for teens because the rim diameter may be uncomfortable. Disposable cups are pinched halfway and inserted into the vaginal canal. Once inserted, the finger is used to push it back and forth to the cervix. The top edge of the disc is behind the pubic bone. If inserted correctly, it should not be felt and not leaked.

After about 12 hours of use (depending on flow volume), disposable cups should be discarded and discarded. This is done by inserting a finger into the vagina, feeling the top of the rim, hooking the finger under the rim and pulling it out. Sit down is recommended, to keep the disk parallel to the floor when removing. Cleaning the disc cleanly requires exercise, and can be done while sitting on the toilet to avoid spills. During peak flow, most women use two disposable cups per day.

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Menstrual products that can be reused (including menstrual cups, but not disposable menstrual cups) are more economical than disposable products. Money will be saved using a menstrual cup, compared to other options such as tampons. A woman in a developed country spends an average of US $ 60 a year on pads and tampons. If a woman is menstruating for 40 years, the lifetime cost for sanitary napkins and tampons is US $ 2,400. If the average silicon menstrual cup lasts between one and five years, eight will be needed in 40 years. If the menstrual cost is US $ 30 (costs vary by manufacturer), the lifetime cost for a menstrual cup is approximately US $ 240.

The initial cost of menstrual cups may be expensive for women from low-income households, especially in developing countries. Purchasing a pad or using a monthly cloth may seem more affordable than buying a menstrual cup, even though the lifetime expenditure is higher.

10 Best Menstrual Cups (Period Cups) - Reviews & Comparison


Early versions of bell-shaped menstrual cups were patented in 1932, by the midwifery group McGlasson and Perkins. Leona Chalmers patented the first commercial trophy that could be used in 1937. Then the menstrual cups were patented in 1935, 1937, and 1950. The menstrual cups of the Tassaway brand were introduced in the 1960s, but were not commercially successful. Early menstrual cups are made of rubber.

In 1987, another latex rubber menstrual cup, The Keeper, was produced in the United States. This proves to be the first commercially viable menstrual cups and is still available today. The first silicon menstrual cups are Mooncup made in England. Most menstrual cups are now produced from medical grade silicone because of their durability and hypoallergenic properties, although there are also brands made from TPE (thermoplastic elastomers). Menstrual cups are becoming more popular around the world, with different brands, shapes and sizes on the market. Most can be reused, although at least one brand of disposable menstrual cups is produced today.

While many companies around the world offer this product, very little is known. One reason may be that it is difficult for a company to make a lot of profit from this product because a single menstrual cup can last for a girl or woman five years or more. This limits the company's advertising budget, so most women who use menstrual cups learn from them via the internet or by word of mouth. Several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and companies have begun proposing menstrual cups for women in developing countries (eg in Kenya and South Africa) as possible cheap and environmentally-friendly alternatives to sanitary fabrics, expensive or "unused" disposable pads there is "- Reality for many women in developing countries.

Flow Cup (Menstrual Cup) - Short Stem â€

Society and culture

Developing country

Menstrual cups can be useful as a means of menstrual hygiene management for women in developing countries, such as Kenya, Uganda and India, where access to affordable sanitation products may be limited. The lack of affordable hygiene products is not enough, unhygienic alternatives are often used, which can pose serious health risks. Menstrual cups offer long-term solutions compared to some other feminine hygiene products because they do not need to be replaced every month.

Cultural aspects

Feminine health products that need to be inserted into the vagina are unacceptable for cultural reasons. There is a myth that they interfere with female reproductive organs and that women lose their virginity. The use of menstrual cups may stretch or destroy the hymen. Since some cultures assess the preservation of hymen as evidence of virginity, this may prevent young women from using the cup.

Environmental impact

Because they can be reused, menstrual cups help reduce solid waste. Some sanitary napkins and plastic tampon applicators can take 25 years to break down in the oceans and can cause significant environmental impact. Biodegradable sanitation options are also available, and these break down in a short time, but they must be composted, and not thrown in the landfill.

Every year, about 20 billion bearings and tampons are discarded in North America. They usually end up in landfills or burned, which can have a major impact on the environment. Most sanitary napkins and tampons are made of cotton and plastic. Plastic takes about 50 years or more and cotton begins to drop after 90 days if composted.

Given that menstrual cups are reusable, their use greatly reduces the amount of waste generated from the menstrual cycle, as there is no daily waste and the amount of disposed packing decreases as well. After their lifetime ends, silicone cups are placed in landfills or burned.

Menstrual cups can be emptied into small holes in the soil or in compost piles, since menstrual fluid is a valuable fertilizer for plants and the pathogen of sexually transmitted diseases will be quickly destroyed by soil microbes. Water used to rinse the cup can be disposed of in the same way. This reduces the amount of wastewater that needs to be treated.

In developing countries, solid waste management is often lacking. Here, menstrual cups have the advantage over dressings or disposable tampons because they do not contribute to solid waste problems in society or produce embarrassing rejection that others may see.

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See also

  • Cervical cover
  • Culture and menstruation
  • Diaphragm (contraception)
  • Menstrual taboo
  • Menstruating hygienic days

Size A Lily Cup - Intimina Menstrual Cups | Pharmaca


Media associated with Menstrual cups on Wikimedia Commons

Source of the article : Wikipedia
